Just for you
Another summer, another year, another life
Okay sooo, I don't know what to write about. Which might be why I haven't written anything in forever. But... OH! Stina told me today that she's never seen the movie She's The Man. That has got to change to next week I am definitely kidnapping her and tying her to a chair in front of the TV. And if she doesn't like it I'm going to make her watch it again, and again, and again until she does. So there. But my guess is she'll like it the first because she has a great sense of humour since she's slightly insane, just like me, so she should be fine.
And that's all I have for now. And there won't be more for a while because someone is going hiking in Greece!
Jeans, klänningar, skor, PJ's
Kära läsare,
Jag vet att det har varit lite torrt här på senaste tiden men på sommaren badar jag bara hela tiden. Antingen badar jag i sjön, eller så badar jag i sol eller så ligger jag helt enkelt och badar i min egen svett. (Yummeh) Hur som helst så har jag helt enkelt badat alldeles för mycket för att ha tid med annat. So here you go. Det lär förbli ganska tomt här ytterligare ett par veckor framöver.
My eyes are no good, blind without her
Summer is my favorite time of year. Right next to spring, winter and autumn
O the hummingbirds of Paris
- Somliga har ett år kvar!
- Somliga har studiebidrag.
Fjortisen är ett flocklevande djur som ofta ses i skymning kring McDonalds, ibland även Sibyllagrillar, i stora gäng. Hanarna känns igen på sitt tuppliknande läte och rödprickiga ansikte där jakten på den mest IQbefriade tjejen börjar genom att spela upp sina senaste ringsignaler på mobiltelefonen. Honorna känns igen på sina översminkade, konstgjorda utseenden och rosa stringtrosor som hänger strax under armhålorna. Byxor i barnstorlek är vanligt. Fjortisen kan upplevas som ett störande djur då de under sin vandring genom samhället kan utstöta sig höga parningsläten, ofta i form av svordomar. Antalet av dessa djur hade en markant ökning under senare delen av 00-talet, vilket har lett till en het diskussion om det är möjligt att skjuta delar av populationen.
Vi var på Gröna Lund igår. Det var packat med dem.
Mor och Far firar bröllopsdag
-I want to cut off your skin and wear it to... my... birthday.
Today. Was. Awesome. I got a new everything when my mom took me shopping as a Christmas present (pretty late, I know, but who wants to go shopping in January? Not me, that's for sure.) and it was the best. We ate at Sandy's by Stureplan and laughed at what non-stockholmers would think of going there. It was packed and stressy, just the way we like it.
So we were running around town all day, listening to all the "studenter" going by on their "flak", drinking beer and screaming their heads off. So jealous. I'm so excited for next year!!! It's going to be the most epic ever. Okay, so the picture uploader thingy won't work... I'll upload some photos on facebook.
Du Gamla Du Fria
- What you want to be married to me for anyhow?
- So that I can kiss you anytime I want.
I've realised Sweden is very non-patriotic. Which sucks a great deal because it's the best country in the world! I mean when Norway had their National Day the celebrations even affected us and today I was actually lucky to hear the National Anthem. Sad. So anyway we had a fun little singing session in front of the TV with the King and Queen.
I was never one for liking birds but some little part of my heart screamed when I sat by a baby canada goose as it died last Friday. It had been attacked by a magpie and bled from the whole side of its throat. Sorry, too much information. It's just that I usually go around hating those darn birds for being so hostile and scary (I mean they're birds, come on) and when that little baby bird was lying there all helpless I wanted to to help the poor thing. Then again it was another bird that killed it so I can still say birds are terrible. It's a tough world.
Almost there but not quite
- Did you say "Billy, I love you"?
So we've nearly made it. I keep thinking "where did all that time go?" It's pretty scary how it just seems to have disappeared. I don't really hear the birds chirping anymore so I guess that spring is over, huh? Wow.
I love that feeling of knowing in just a small matter of time I'll be able to do whatever I want, whenever I want to. That last week before getting out is almost the best part of the year. You don't do anything besides messing around but you still have a purpose and you know that before you know it you'll be free. Plus you still have the whole summer ahead of you. It usually takes me until halfway through July to realize "Oh right, I'm on my break!" and by then it's almost over.
Hej jag är Bibigirl den perfekta dockan Jag är din docka Alla är avundsjuka på dig på grund av mig
- Gå baklänges!
Denna vackra afton gick jag och mina kära familj och njöt av det rogivande Enskedespelet. Sweet!!! Det var jättemysigt. Idag har jag även orienterat för första gången sedan i augusti vilket var roligt men lite pinsamt lätt. Jag hade en kontroll vid stället vi var på igår på biologigrejen, då jag fick en bonnbränna! Euw! Men den försvinner nog. Kanske. Om jag dödar den. Och imorgon ska jag, som varje söndag de senaste månaderna med undantaget förra veckan, jobba med små barnen. Gulligull.
Burn babyluv, burn
- Då tar jag dina pennor...
I love spring and I love summer and I freaking love Stockholm! I got a tan from sitting outside for two hours studying chemistry and reading Stephen King yesterday. It's the best. Maybe I'll finally be able to get rid of my sock tan line from cross country. It's terrible.
So this week, and the next, and the one after that, is packed with tests and final exams and I'm drowning in a pile of text books. I'm kind of stressed. A little bit. But I still find time to go have fun because that's more important. On my way home from work today I bought a polka lollipop in one of the stands and it tasted like a piece of heaven. Holy smokes. And I saw bird babies! So cute! Usually birds scare the crap out of me but they looked like fuzzy little balls swimming around in a little pool it was just the cutest. Almost as cute as the wolverine babies. And the wolves, the wolves are definetly my favorites. But they didn't get babies this year. Bummer.
I don't know why I'm still afraid, if you weren't real I would make you up
Skansen Skansen Skansen. Jag känner att jag inte riktigt har något liv längre. Men igår träffade jag fina lilla Kahn och mös med henne i Nacka. Idag fyller lillasyster tolv! Vilken kvinna. Gullegull.
Titta inte på The Mist, den suger, jag såg den med mamma och Tina här om dagen och fy fasen vilken besvikelse! Och nu är jag så trött också. Men det är TIO VECKOR KVAR TILL USA!!! AAAAAAAH.
Emilia kom till Skansen och tittade på mig när jag jobbade idag. Det måste vart roligt. Sedan jagade jag henne med hästen. Men nu ska jag lägga mig och sova på golvet, so: later!
I can do it, put me to it, show me something I can overcome
Två tjejer ~18 sitter på bussen och pratar om kläder och den ena tjejens pojkvän.
Tjej 1: Ja, men det är ju så irriterande att det som är skönt att ha på sig inte är snyggt! Som mjukisbyxor!
Tjej 2: Eller som Tobias?
I didn't do anything useful this weekend... Well I went to work today which I guess was kind of useful but once I was there I barely did anything since there weren't any visitors. And yesterday all I did was sit in a café for hours on end and just talk and have a good time, then go home and sleep and later watch a movie with Sara and Stina. Actually I got my little sis a present for her brithday so that was way useful. And in one hour I'm going to walk the long distance to the tv and watch a double episode of How I Met Your Mother.
Oh and yesterday I got a free banana when me and Sara were walking along Drottninggatan.
Detta är en liten del av idolkön. Jag och Sara skrattade och pekade lite på en man i kungakostym innan vi satte oss på lejonen uppe vid djurgårdsbussarna i några minuter för att senare dra vidare till Muggen där vi stannade länge länge
Stackars lilla William
Såhär sammanfattade AK årets Valborg:
Johanna hon är väldigt snäll
Men ändå, i helgen fick hon en smäll
En slap i fejan av en äcklig fjortis
Full eller jäkligt hög på cannabis
Tur att fjortisar är svaga och fula
Annars kanske Joe hade fått en bula
Men Joe höll gott mod hela kvällen
även efter fjortissmällen
Hon gick hem och ägde på spel
Vann för att William svarade fel
"Jävla klant" tänker ni då
Men William brukar vara så
Stina och Nea är båda långa
och Stina fick faktiskt fjortisen fånga
När klantarslet ramla tog Stina det kallt
annars hade fjortisen fått käka asfalt
Robira hon satt hemma och var rädd
att hon av sju kompisar skulle bli sedd
Bira och Becca kalla som is
hotade att ringa polis
Gömde sig bland jackor och skor
och låste, av misstag, ute sin bror
Och medans vi var hemma och lekte
var Sara i Rom och stekte
Själv höll jag till i Saltsjöbaden
när Sara gled runt i den italienska staden
Vi känner ingen sorg
över denna vrickade Valborg
För trots poliser, fylla och en fjortis så ful
Var det i alla fall jävligt kul!
Beat the Cat out of the Barrel
Watch it, Sunny.
Today was crazy, I had insane amounts of fun. Me and Ceder were quite the couple for Slå Katten, although he was afraid of the barrel and wanted to run away from it instead of straight at it... Anyways it was the most fun I'd had since the good old days working at Täby Galopp and I was very sorry when it was over. It was amazing. Crazy old music, men in yellow tights running around and me and my pearl beating the crap out of the barrels. We weren't the best but here was only one other girl who managed to even ruin a barrel and she was the one who won, so... Aah, I want to do it again! Also I have to give Elin credit for making my day fantastic. ELIN ÄR BÄÄÄST!
Yesterday at the bonfire was great, although we only stayed for about ten minutes before we went back to the house to play Cluedo, Orangino and read KP - "pinsamheter". It was me, Linnéa, William and Stina. City people. Oh and when I met them all by the subway I got slapped by a stranger! Totally uncalled for but pretty funny actually.
Me in the superweird "katta outfit" and my adorable little friend
These cuties honored me with their presence during the night of the slap
Läroverksfejden sponsras av: PAPPA
Man måste följa skevheten
Återigen krossade vi dem alla. Stackarna. Tre förstaplatser. BOOM. Fattar dock inte vad domarna höll på med när de bedömde bilddelen av estetiska. Sist? What the heck! Fiskens bild var lätt bäst, jag menar Östra och Norra saknade fullstädigt talang. Jag skulle lika gärna kunnat ta dit några barn från dagiset här i närheten och be dom rita. Pff. De kanske kände att det blev för mycket om vi vann alltihop.
Imorgon är det Slå Katten Ur Tunnan på Skansen och jag är jättepeppad!!! Jag Ceder ska döda den där tunnan. Vi tränade galopp på Djurgården igår, han och jag. Så sjukt mysigt med alla blommor och solskenet.
Jag missar mösspåtagningen i eftermiddag men det är lugnt för nästa år har jag min egna! Aaaah! Excited! Och så måste jag ju välja vilken brasa som ska få äras av min närvaro ikväll. Det står mellan Fältet och Kvitterkroken. Kom dit.
I sit by your side just to be near you
Seven weeks until summer! Oh boy am I excited. I'm going to finally have time to actually do stuff. Like really do them, not just do them for a while and then get back to studying chemistry or whatever. I don't like chemistry. So anyways I started on the cutest picture yesterday. It's of a little boy and a little girl, maybe three years old, and they're kissing. It's so cute, and I've had it taped to the door of my closet forever.
Oh hey today is Abby's birthday! She's turning nine for those of you who'd like to know. My cute little American sister. I miss the States, I really do. Well well "borta bra men hemma bäst". I became a patriot when I was there I think. Haha. I realized how truly awesome lilla landet lagom really is.
vadå hästbajs? det luktar ju sommar!
How to name a volcano: Head butt the keyboard .. *bang* .. Eyjafjallajökull
Ledsen Robira men jag kunde inte motstå frestelsen att sno den från dig.
My tickets are booked! I'm so excited I even scare myself. This is the best. And today was so much fun! After school (I got out at noon) I went to Skansen to train for "Slå Katten Ur Tunnan", which is like a horsebackriding game a bit like barrel racing, except the barrel is hanging from the top of an arch which you have to ride through and you have to smack it with a baseball bat until it brakes. Anyway it was the best ever and me and Ceder totally kicked butt. We are such a team. And on my way home everything was beautiful because the sun was shining on it.
Something bad just happened though. I was uploading pictures onto the computer and happened to delete every single picture that I had. Hmm. That means no pictures left of my baby girl, no pictures from the States, no pictures from last summer, no nothing. I guess someone up there thought I was having too good a day... Darn it.
you were here when I wrote this one, so when you hear it you'll know that it's yours
- Nej men åh så bra!
- Vet du vad det är?
- Nej...
Spring is the bomb. I love spring. Even more than I love summer. But right now my blinds are down because I'm playing vampire and the light hurts my eyes. No seriously, I have the worst headache since högstadiet and I haven't been this tired since I was in the States, so the light has to stay out.
I just checked my schedule and was reminded of the five hour long Swedish test on Friday. Yaay. Haha Lisa is going to shoot me in the head for sucking too bad. Swedish is just so BORING. But I think I might be able to persuade Emilia to watch Blades of Glory with me Friday night or some other time this week. It's been forever since last time.
Listen, well... will you marry me?
Som jorden älskar månen
Som sjömannen älskar havet
Som tågen älskar rälsen
Och som fångar älskar flykten
Som barnen älskar julen
Som korten älskar turen
Och som Romeo älskar Julia
Och som jag älskar dig
Jag vet vad jag måste göra och jag ska göra det om jag så måste klättra genom berg och dalar i snöstormar för att lyckas