My eyes are no good, blind without her

Men kan den inte passa bara för att vara snäll!


Summer is my favorite time of year. Right next to spring, winter and autumn


O the hummingbirds of Paris

- Somliga har ett år kvar!
- Somliga har studiebidrag.

Fjortisen är ett flocklevande djur som ofta ses i skymning kring McDonalds, ibland även Sibyllagrillar, i stora gäng. Hanarna känns igen på sitt tuppliknande läte och rödprickiga ansikte där jakten på den mest IQbefriade tjejen börjar genom att spela upp sina senaste ringsignaler på mobiltelefonen. Honorna känns igen på sina översminkade, konstgjorda utseenden och rosa stringtrosor som hänger strax under armhålorna. Byxor i barnstorlek är vanligt. Fjortisen kan upplevas som ett störande djur då de under sin vandring genom samhället kan utstöta sig höga parningsläten, ofta i form av svordomar. Antalet av dessa djur hade en markant ökning under senare delen av 00-talet, vilket har lett till en het diskussion om det är möjligt att skjuta delar av populationen.

Vi var på Gröna Lund igår. Det var packat med dem.


Mor och Far firar bröllopsdag

-I want to cut off your skin and wear it to... my... birthday.

Today. Was. Awesome. I got a new everything when my mom took me shopping as a Christmas present (pretty late, I know, but who wants to go shopping in January? Not me, that's for sure.) and it was the best. We ate at Sandy's by Stureplan and laughed at what non-stockholmers would think of going there. It was packed and stressy, just the way we like it.
   So we were running around town all day, listening to all the "studenter" going by on their "flak", drinking beer and screaming their heads off. So jealous. I'm so excited for next year!!! It's going to be the most epic ever. Okay, so the picture uploader thingy won't work... I'll upload some photos on facebook.


Du Gamla Du Fria

- What you want to be married to me for anyhow?
- So that I can kiss you anytime I want.

I've realised Sweden is very non-patriotic. Which sucks a great deal because it's the best country in the world! I mean when Norway had their National Day the celebrations even affected us and today I was actually lucky to hear the National Anthem. Sad. So anyway we had a fun little singing session in front of the TV with the King and Queen.

I was never one for liking birds but some little part of my heart screamed when I sat by a baby canada goose as it died last Friday. It had been attacked by a magpie and bled from the whole side of its throat. Sorry, too much information. It's just that I usually go around hating those darn birds for being so hostile and scary (I mean they're birds, come on) and when that little baby bird was lying there all helpless I wanted to to help the poor thing. Then again it was another bird that killed it so I can still say birds are terrible. It's a tough world.


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