Läroverksfejden sponsras av: PAPPA

Man måste följa skevheten

Återigen krossade vi dem alla. Stackarna. Tre förstaplatser. BOOM. Fattar dock inte vad domarna höll på med när de bedömde bilddelen av estetiska. Sist? What the heck! Fiskens bild var lätt bäst, jag menar Östra och Norra saknade fullstädigt talang. Jag skulle lika gärna kunnat ta dit några barn från dagiset här i närheten och be dom rita. Pff. De kanske kände att det blev för mycket om vi vann alltihop.
   Imorgon är det Slå Katten Ur Tunnan på Skansen och jag är jättepeppad!!! Jag Ceder ska döda den där tunnan. Vi tränade galopp på Djurgården igår, han och jag. Så sjukt mysigt med alla blommor och solskenet.
   Jag missar mösspåtagningen i eftermiddag men det är lugnt för nästa år har jag min egna! Aaaah! Excited! Och så måste jag ju välja vilken brasa som ska få äras av min närvaro ikväll. Det står mellan Fältet och Kvitterkroken. Kom dit.

I sit by your side just to be near you

Oh Lord, please don't take him

Seven weeks until summer! Oh boy am I excited. I'm going to finally have time to actually do stuff. Like really do them, not just do them for a while and then get back to studying chemistry or whatever. I don't like chemistry. So anyways I started on the cutest picture yesterday. It's of a little boy and a little girl, maybe three years old, and they're kissing. It's so cute, and I've had it taped to the door of my closet forever.
   Oh hey today is Abby's birthday! She's turning nine for those of you who'd like to know. My cute little American sister. I miss the States, I really do. Well well "borta bra men hemma bäst". I became a patriot when I was there I think. Haha. I realized how truly awesome lilla landet lagom really is.


vadå hästbajs? det luktar ju sommar!

How to name a volcano: Head butt the keyboard .. *bang* .. Eyjafjallajökull
Ledsen Robira men jag kunde inte motstå frestelsen att sno den från dig.

My tickets are booked! I'm so excited I even scare myself. This is the best. And today was so much fun! After school (I got out at noon) I went to Skansen to train for "Slå Katten Ur Tunnan", which is like a horsebackriding game a bit like barrel racing, except the barrel is hanging from the top of an arch which you have to ride through and you have to smack it with a baseball bat until it brakes. Anyway it was the best ever and me and Ceder totally kicked butt. We are such a team. And on my way home everything was beautiful because the sun was shining on it.
   Something bad just happened though. I was uploading pictures onto the computer and happened to delete every single picture that I had. Hmm. That means no pictures left of my baby girl, no pictures from the States, no pictures from last summer, no nothing. I guess someone up there thought I was having too good a day... Darn it.


you were here when I wrote this one, so when you hear it you'll know that it's yours

- Nej men åh så bra!
- Vet du vad det är?
- Nej...

Spring is the bomb. I love spring. Even more than I love summer. But right now my blinds are down because I'm playing vampire and the light hurts my eyes. No seriously, I have the worst headache since högstadiet and I haven't been this tired since I was in the States, so the light has to stay out.
   I just checked my schedule and was reminded of the five hour long Swedish test on Friday. Yaay. Haha Lisa is going to shoot me in the head for sucking too bad. Swedish is just so BORING. But I think I might be able to persuade Emilia to watch Blades of Glory with me Friday night or some other time this week. It's been forever since last time.


Listen, well... will you marry me?

Som jorden älskar månen
Som sjömannen älskar havet
Som tågen älskar rälsen
Och som fångar älskar flykten
Som barnen älskar julen
Som korten älskar turen
Och som Romeo älskar Julia
Och som jag älskar dig

Jag vet vad jag måste göra och jag ska göra det om jag så måste klättra genom berg och dalar i snöstormar för att lyckas

Jag har bestämt mig för att göra något busigt. Men det är en bra grej.


If we could dance the night away the stars would twinkle and smile

Du springer aldrig ifatt

Yesterday was sweeeet. I slept in until late and then I figured I might as well stay in bed since I didn't have anything better to do (except study) so I finished Jane Eyre, which really wasn't as bad as I thought at first, and then I went to meet my Spain buddies - Veronica, Josefin and Michaela - in Gamla Stan. We went to Grå Munken... alltså det där ser så dumt ut jag måste ta det på svenska. Aa, så vi gick till Grå Munken och fikade och sedan vandrade vi längs Drottninggatan och mös, lekte lite runt plattan på diverse affärer innan Veronica och Josefin var tvungna att ge sig av hemåt Nynäshamn. Med det roliga tog inte slut där, nej nej, jag och Michaela fortsatte att leta böcker och presenter till födeledagsbarn.
  I also have to tell you about last weekend when I chopped wood for the first time in my life. I totally killed those logs, I felt so strong and powerful. Haha just kidding. But I did do super.


Blåsippan ute i backarna står


Aaah I've been dying to tell you! The coolest thing in the history of ever happened to me today. At least I thought it was, although some did not share my enthusiasm. Anyways, so I was at work, leading around my pretty little horse Alwa and the kid on top was so obviously American so I asked his mom what state they were from. Oh, Utah! That's pretty cool since I used to live in Idaho (which, for those of you who don't know, is right next to Utah). Was I American? No but I used to be an exchange student. First I lived in Parma, by Boise, but then I moved to Idaho Falls. Oh, really? Her husband grew up in Idaho Falls. No way! Yes way!
   So when we got back to the start and the dad came up to meet his little boy the mom told him what I'd just said and we started talking while the boy got off the horse and I told him I used to go to Bonneville. Which he did, too! I guess fifteen years ago or so. What a tiny tiny world, that was so cool. I mean seriously. And I thought it was cool that we had lived in neighboring (is that a word) states. But the same school? I could not shut up about it. How many schools are there in the States? That made my day. My week.
   Anyway, just needed to vent. Thanks.


Oh How I Adore - Ingenting är vackrare än Stockholm under våren

Hejsan hoppsan, Karlsson!
Hejsan hoppsan, Lillebror!

Easter! These four weeks following sports break flew by in no time and now I'm so excited about all the little cuties knocking on our door asking for candy, the egg hunt (actually it's more the hiding of someone else's egg that makes my fingers itch - in such an awesome place that they won't be able to find it until I give them a bunch of very clever clues) and påskriset!
   Everything is absolutely beautiful outside and the spring is officially here now that I've seen a big patch of my favorite flower out back. I've ditched my big heavy coat and brought out the leather jacket. Bring it on!

Come spring, come summer
Leave not a spot without light
Come rain, and thunder
I am ready for you now

So this is what happened last April:

Check out all that sun!


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