Du Gamla Du Fria

- What you want to be married to me for anyhow?
- So that I can kiss you anytime I want.

I've realised Sweden is very non-patriotic. Which sucks a great deal because it's the best country in the world! I mean when Norway had their National Day the celebrations even affected us and today I was actually lucky to hear the National Anthem. Sad. So anyway we had a fun little singing session in front of the TV with the King and Queen.

I was never one for liking birds but some little part of my heart screamed when I sat by a baby canada goose as it died last Friday. It had been attacked by a magpie and bled from the whole side of its throat. Sorry, too much information. It's just that I usually go around hating those darn birds for being so hostile and scary (I mean they're birds, come on) and when that little baby bird was lying there all helpless I wanted to to help the poor thing. Then again it was another bird that killed it so I can still say birds are terrible. It's a tough world.


Postat av: Matilda

Min fågelskräck är enorm och nu har jag sett fyra döda fåglar på två dagar! Jag tror det är ett dåligt omen och sitter här och väntar på olyckan...

2010-06-08 @ 23:32:49
URL: http://klagostunden.blogg.se/
Postat av: Obb

Min mor tvingade oss att sjunga nationalsången innan middagen, för vi har ju blivit svenskar nu. Det roliga var att min mamma failade på texten, haha, så vi gav upp. Men jag älskar också Sverige!

2010-06-12 @ 00:31:50
URL: http://obbie.blogg.se/

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